TWiT. TV - Hands-On Mac 001

Technical Director - Editor

TWiT.TV - Hands-On Tech: Acer Predator Triton 900 Review

Technical Director - Editor

TWiT.TV - Hands-On Tech: Galaxy S20 Ultra vs. Pixel 4 Camera Shootout


TWiT.TV - Hands-On Tech: Google Stadia Review & Lag Test


TWiT.TV - Macbreak Weekly 691


TWiT.TV - Windows Weekly 644


It's no doubt that the character of Kratos is enjoying boatloads of praise right now with the recent release of the smash hit 'God of War.' The thing is, it took Kratos enduring a long troubled past to get to where he is now. So what is that past?

Writer - Voice-over - Editor

CSU Chico

Demo Reel 2017

Director - Producer - Cinematographer - Editor

An in depth look at the student experience at the CSU Chico Rookie Tournament. 

Director, Videographer, Editor

How-to video tutorial for brewing gluten free beer made from extracts and/or malts.

Director - Producer - Videographer - Editor

KCSC Radio

MAWD performing "Darkroom" at KCSC Radio

Director - Cinematographer

Hannah Jane Kile performing "Veon" at KCSC Radio. 

Director - Cinematographer - Editor

Kelly Ann is sick and tired of being sick and tired. (Short)

Director - Producer - Videographer - Editor

KCSC takes a moment to give thanks for the things that truly matter. 

Director - Videographer - Editor

CSUC Digital Filmmakers Guild

Fall 2016 Digital Filmmaker's Guild's Halloween Production. (Short Film)

Director - Cinematographer

Fall 2016 Digital Filmmaker's Guild's Winter Production. (Short)

Director - Cinematographer

BAD ROOMMATE: Some are better than others. (Short Film)

Director - Producer - Writer - Editor bumper, design to promote the education block. 


The Awakened (Submission for Filmsupply Challenge 2016 - Opening Credits)

Password: mbw
